
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Giving a little Wish.

This is something I have wanted to do for a long time and I just always thought "no that's bad for business" But the though haunted me for a long time. 

I wanted to do a workshop for photographers from Utah. 
A free workshop.

I know right?! Most photographers would say "how stupid of you to give away some secrets without being paid." But you know it just seems right. 
I am a believer in doing a good turn. 

I've been blessed so much in my business and If I can help others on their way then I know I will continue to be blessed. 

SO I put it out there on Facebook that I was going to do this. 
To enter to be awarded one of 10 seats you had to be nominated either by yourself or by someone else. 
You needed to email me telling me why you or your loved one or friend or foe for that matter should get a seat at my workshop. 

It was a daunting task going through the entries. 
307 entries later I finally narrowed it down to the 10 seats. 

Some entries were hilarious.  Some entries were sad.  Some entries were honest.  Some entries begged. Some entries were long and some were short.  But in the end I picked 10 entries for 10 very different reasons.  

I feel horrible not being able to give 307 seats away, but that would put me out of business.  So for this round I have picked 10.  If one is not able to attend I will award someone else with that seat. 

For those who did not get selected please know that you are amazing and special and I wish you all the best.  

So here they are in random order. 

Jill Witt - Nominated by herself. 

Jessica Alba - Nominated by her father

Valery Bunnell - Nominated by her Husband

Candice Kalamafoni -Nominated by herself

Lindsay Sundloff -Nominated by herself

Lani Wilkinson - Nominated by herself

Stacie Eilander - Nominated by herself 

Sarah McClure -Nominated  by her mother

Erin Kirkland - Nominated by herself

Alexa Ogilivie -Nominated by her friend.


I look forward to meeting you!  To confirm your seat email by February 10th, 2013

Remember the workshop is on March 29th, 2013 


  1. Kandis, this is so amazingly sweet of you! I think it's so great that you want to better not only other photographers, but those in your area. It shows what a genuine person you are that you are willing to boost your own local photography community instead of being competitive with them. I love you so much and can't wait to come to your [other] workshop! ;)

  2. Congrats to the winners........ Kandis, Sure wished I lived up your way ♥ This is a great gift you are giving. As a beginner, I know how much this will be appreciated.

  3. Kandis you are AMAZING!!! I am SO excited for this... words can't even describe! This is THE best gift I have gotten!!! I'm SO very very excited!!!!
