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Saturday, September 1, 2012
Question and Answer
On Facebook I did a little question and answer. Well it was more like a "ask now and I will answer later" situation.
So I am now going to answer what people have asked.
Keep in mind these are only my own opinions and what works for me.
Carolyn Velez
What is your favorite lens to use?
11 hours ago
ANSWER: I love my 70-200L 2.8 IS II . It does cost a pretty penny, but it is worth every dime. It has such a great compression and it's just a great piece of glass. Before shooting with this lens my favorite was my 85mm.
Jessica Johnson Mathis
Do you shoot in full sun? and if so, how do you manage blown out spots?
11 hours ago
ANSWER: I do on occasion shoot in full sun. I used to get really nervous about it and would completely dodge this time of day or always look for shade.
The best thing is to keep the sun behind the model/subject/client.
I avoid hot spots by shooting at the apex of the subjects shadow.
Jennifer Johnson
I have cs5 and can't figure out how to use a texture without it being on the person. (I'm still learning)
11 hours ago
ANSWER: It's all about the masks. After you've put the texture on add a layer mask and brush it off the person.
Crystal Marie
How long is your typical session? As in time spent with the person(s)
11 hours ago
ANSWER: Oh I would say anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours. I really try to stay under 2 hours. I just want to get all the swooning shoots (if ya' know what I mean)
I always plan at least a half hour for my crazy ability to gab...I'm a chatter!
Dessie Vill
if you up your iso do you then up your shutter to compensate for the noise, or do you bring your fstop to around say f11, or both rofl thanks a bunch!
11 hours ago
ANSWER: Honestly I am not scared of noise when using a high ISO. It happens.
But if I up my ISO I keep my exposure/shutter/time value where properly exposed (or to my taste) would be. I don't worry about noise. If it's too noisy I'll do something artistic with it in post process. I don't sweat it.
Morgan Wood Slade
Do you use an external lens for indoor events( like receptions)?
11 hours ago
ANSWER: I am sure you meant external flash.
If I need to yes.
What I typically do is I either bounce my flash or use my flash off camera.
I sometimes will use a tripod and set up my flash, or I will ask an assistant to hold it.
Michelle Jamison
How did you come up
With pricing? I am unsure what to charge with the economy the way it is.
11 hours ago
ANSWER: My pricing has grown with me. And I am pretty sure it will grow with you.
One thing I always suggest is look around to what you direct competition is. Someone that has the same equipment and talent as you and see what they are charging. And be competitive. I don't like to short change myself. Your prices will grow with you and you will know when you need to up your prices.
I have yet to find the exact price range that I want to be in...but I know who I want to cater to so I am gearing my learning, my shooting style and my packages to that group.
I hope this helps.
Morgan Wood Slade
I meant flash... External flash :)
11 hours ago
ANSWER: i knew what ya' meant :)
Sheryl Joanne Salik
What are your favorite actions used? What do you use as a back up for your photography? (external, wireless, something online)
ANSWER: Oh that's such a hard one.
I really REALLY love Sailor from my Nautical Wishes set.
However the most used actions by me is Dreamy Smooth Skin from Wish Makeup Counter and Make it Pop from Wish Workshops is a close second.
What do I use to backup?
I use discs for hard copies.
I back up on both my macbook and my Imac (until the sessions are complete...I like to be able to edit on both computers)
I also back up each night off site to Crash Plan. It gives me piece of mind.
11 hours ago
Jessica Klaus
whats the better bang for your buck....upgrading to FF or re-branding your whole business.
It really depends and that is a personal thing I think.
Look at it this way, if your current camera is holding you back (and yes cameras can do that) then it doesn't matter if you rebrand your business because your work isn't going to show on the other end.
If it were me I would rebrand second...but that's my personal opinion.
11 hours ago
Amber Reil-Neal
What suggestions would you give someone trying to start a photography business from their home, as far as getting their name out there to get clients?
ANSWER: Word of mouth.
Decide what you want to shoot first.
If you are really wanting to photograph children talk to your Facebook friends, close friends, family who have the kind of children you want to shoot and offer them a session for free. Now don't give away the whole farm. Put some stipulations on this baby.
For example YOU hold the cards not them.
Don't let them make you feel like they are doing you a favor.
Offer them a free session with 10 images, or A free session and 40% the prints.
Or whatever you decide.
Then they will start talking to their friends/family/coworkers about you if they like your work. You'll start to get busy.
The other thing you should do so this doesn't bite you in the foot is give them a business card or several business cards to give to their friends that might say something like.
"referred by _____________" redeem for a free 8x10 with any session package.
Then you give the person who gave the referral a free 8x10 and the new client. And now you have one new session.
Just some ideas.
11 hours ago
Sheryl Joanne Salik
Other than social networks, dropping business cards, what is a good marketing strategy?
ANSWER: Honestly Social media is kinda the thing right now. Everyone goes online to find what they need. I personally think a strong online presence is important right now.
The second thing is really connect with your clients and give them a reason to talk. More talk means more buzz which means more business.
11 hours ago
Rebecca Steed Williams
I'm new to photography. and I have bought glass for Nikon, but lately I have been liking the softness with the Canon. Should I switch? Or am I doing somethign wrong with Nikon? lol. I'm pretty new..
ANSWER: I am not sure I can give you a great answer. I am a Canon shooter but if you are already invested with Nikon then it's hard to justify the switch. Maybe before you decide you should rent some Canon equipment.
11 hours ago
Gail O'Bannon
Do you adjust any of your internal camera settings? (not manual shooting) the set up? If so, what?
ANSWER: I have adjusted some settings. For example I have expanded my ISO
I have done some others just to fit ease of shooting for myself but it has been so long ago that I can't remember which.
I am not sure this helps ya'
11 hours ago
Madison Royalty
Whats the best settings to use for taking pictures at clubs/bars?
11 hours ago
ANSWER: Well, I only have been to a club when I was 18 years old and I didn't have a camera back then. I don't go to bars either so I really have no answer for you. HOWEVER I am guessing (from movies I've seen) that these places are darker, so you will need to up your ISO and Lower your F-Stop. Treat it like a low-light setting.
Valerie Pond
Will you be having any of your retreats online over the web?
11 hours ago
ANSWER: I do offer online mentoring doing photoshop.
My retreat is a several day nearly all-inclusive workshop of awesomeness and it would be impossible to offer it online.
Anne Hutton
Have you always been this kind and generous? Was it because your parents taught you to share? :))
ANSWER: Well um, first you are so kind to even suggest that I am kind and generous.
My parents raised me very well and we always were blessed with more then enough. My parents taught me the importance of helping others and they taught me that I can and would be blessed if I helped others. I like doing a good turn it makes me feel good.
11 hours ago
Vipha N Guerrero
What's the best portrait lens to use ?
Answer: It really is what your personal style is.
I have a friend who loves a 35mm
She likes to get in close to them and has a more personal style with them.
I like to stand back a little so I prefer something more like a 85mm
11 hours ago
Jenny Fitts
How do you get your pictures to be LESS grainy when zoomed to actual size? Work in manual?
ANSWER: Noise is all about the ISO. Keep a low ISO and you'll avoid noise.
10 hours ago
Miranda Duhr
I did a session and totally forgot to change my iso(im still learning my camera) &now my photos(some) are grainy,any tips on trying to get around that?
10 hours ago
ANSWER: You can run a noise reducing filter in photoshop.
The other thing. Don't sweat it. Incorporate it into your editing.....make them have more a film quality.
Mourina Nielson
What lenses do you use? do you switch it up for portraits, weddings, families?
10 hours ago
ANSWER: I have several different lens. I most always have my 70-200L on my camera when shooting.
If I am shooting a wedding and doing group shots I will put on my 24-70
The 24-70 is a good all purpose lens great for everything.
Savannah Johnson
Repeat cause I am doing a session in a bar tonight. I have an external flash but no other equipment. What's the best way to shoot there???
10 hours ago
ANSWER: Bounce your flash.
Mallory Gibson Francks
Same question as above: I would love to know more about great marketing. I just began building my business this year and would like to know more about advertising. :) (Besides business cards, facebook, and website). Thank you for doing this! You are amazing!
10 hours ago
ANSWER: I hope I answered it well enough above.
Shyleen Bayles
I have a polaroid that takes pretty good pictures and I consider myself a professional. What should I start my prices at?
10 hours ago
ANSWER: SISTER I think I already talked to you about how to market yourself BWAHHHHA!
Denise Williams
sorry , but i have to answer this... F stops should never be over a 4.5 for portraits... the more closed down you are (the higher the number) the slower your shutter speed has to be... the slower the shutter will be - aka- blurry photos!
10 hours ago
Well if you ask me I think you can go above a 4.5 for portraits. IT all depends on the look you are going for. If you are doing a family portrait session say with a family of 8 you don't want your F-stop to be lower then 8.0. IF you are doing a family of 4 4.0 is good. A family of 12 a F-stop of 12 would be a good choice. A good rule of thumb is never be lower with your f-stop then number of people in your photo.
Remember your F-stop doesn't make your shutter speed slow if you bring up your F-Stop you can adjust that yourself. You can still have a faster shutter speed if you up your ISO.
A proper Time Value/Shutter Speed is dependent upon your F-Stop and your ISO together.
F-stop (aperture) does determine how much is in focus. SO a lower F-Stop will allow for a more soft/blurry if you will background which will pull your subject into focus.
Wish Photography
I will answer these all very soon. As for you
Shyleen Bayles
you are so my sister!!! I laughed so loud!
10 hours ago
Alyse Clark
How do you keep your camera safe if you have an outdoor shoot for a w?edding
10 hours ago
ANSWER: I keep it on me all the time I don't set it down. If it's bad elements in the weather then I pray to baby Jesus. ( I need to invest in a weather shield)
Linda Nelson Zarick
How do you market yourself, I am starting out and it's really been a struggle, there are days I really want to throw in the towel.
10 hours ago
ANSWER: When I first started out I really marketed myself to my friends and family and grew from there.
Alyse Clark
10 hours ago
Shyleen Bayles
I knew you would appreciate that:)
10 hours ago
Cera Jaso
When you were first starting photography did you feel really self conscious about your work? Are there ways to boost your confidence?
10 hours ago
ANSWER: I am still self conscious about my work. I am always comparing myself.
However I work at it every day and I see myself getting better. Keep at it and don't quit if it's something you want to do. This will in time boost your confidence.
Cathleen Sollars
Amber can you shoot our wedding pictures before the wedding
10 hours ago
ANSWER: you should ask Amber. I'm not Amber. I'm Kandis. But I would love to shoot your wedding if you would like :)
Savannah Johnson
Should u always do what a client asks when building portfolio?
10 hours ago
ANSWER: If it is a portfolio building shoot NO! I consider portfolio building shoots such as trade work my own playground and I do with it what I want.
HOWEVER I still don't let clients tell me how to do my job. Keep in mind they hired you.
Now you can ask them if they have anything specific they want and then you can alter it to fit how you vision it to be.
Now I speak from experience with this. When I first started I let the clients tell me what they wanted and exactly and I would try to mimic what they saw and you know what the pictures weren't good and they clients weren't happy. Why do you think that was? I know it's because I wasn't doing my thing. I was trying to do something they saw a friends photographer do and it didn't turn out the same. Do your thing encourage your client to trust you.
Elaine Ollerton George
Kandis George Broadhead
Shyleen Bayles
, you make me laugh. And yup, I am their Mom and proud to be!!
10 hours ago
ANSWER. Oh momma I love ya!
Hilary Briscoe
how do you shoot in really dark condition when your camera won't autofocus? manual focusing is really hard when it is that dark!
9 hours ago
ANSWER: I have a flash light in my camera bag. I shine it on them, focus, and then I shoot.
Jen Pontow
I'm interested in what lens you use for different shoots you do. Love your work!!
9 hours ago
ANSWER: I think I pretty much answered this above. Let me know if you have more specific question about different shoots and different lens'.
Christine Batson
Do you always shoot on manual?
9 hours ago
Lacy Power
Which focus setting do you use on your camera?
9 hours ago
ANSWER: I do use autofocus. I don't know anyone that doesn't. Autofocus allows for quick shooting and that way you get the focus right. Don't try to do manual focus your clients will frustrate fast
Jessica Williams-James
Did you take classes for photoshop?
9 hours ago
Sarah McClure
What is the best way to have bookah in the background, but a clear model? Does it have a lot to do with the lens?
9 hours ago
ANSWER: I THINK it's a mixture of settings and good glass and good lighting. My 85 1.8 creates great bokeh.
However will say that if you have great lighting and something that is filtering it like trees in the background and a lower f-stop you will create great bokeh.
Joy Ralph Milligan
What off camera lighting do you use for outside?
9 hours ago
ANSWER: I have a few Alien Bee's and I use Speedlights.
Crystal Gore
With fast moving toddlers, how do you keep your focal point where it needs to be or switch it quick? I have the Mark III & there are several focal points! Tips to scouting locations...
9 hours ago
ANSWER: When shooting children pick a focus point and keep it on it and move your camera not your focus point. The center focus point is a good option. Also make sure your shutter speed is fast.
Chandra Short-Bird
I'm some what new, been doing photography for 3 yrs and I'm just now getting interested in RAW.. and I'm not sure on how that exactly works lol.. I've tried shooting in RAW and my computer wouldn't convert them? Lol
9 hours ago
ANSWER: Make sure you go to adobe and get the upgrade They have upgrades for it that are free. Check that out.
Raw is like shooting a digital negative so you can make adjustments to the actual data. It's pretty sweet.
Robert Blair
What shooting conditions would you benefit most from using exposure comp. or when would you need to use it?
9 hours ago
Answer: to be honest I don't mess with exposure compensation. I think where it would come in handy is if I were shooting landscapes and wanted to get the sky and the mountains perfect. But when shooting portraits I always purposefully expose for skin and don't care about anything else.
So I really don't have a good answer for you.
Joshua Shofner
We are thinking about setting up a photo booth. Does anyone have any favorite photo booth software they use? We are not looking to print them, but only display on a monitor and ultimately social media. Thanks!
9 hours ago
ANSWER: I am not sure what you mean by photo booth. I am sorry :(
Melissa Taylor
Yes do you know someone in
Cleveland Ohio
that takes picture like you and
Maggie Hayes
6 hours ago
ANSWER: I do not personally know any Ohio photographers off the top of my head. I'm so sorry.
DL Acken Photography
importance of branding?
6 hours ago
Answer: I think branding is important. It's more then the look of your business it's everything about your business. I am in the process of rebranding right now. It's a lot of work. Rebranding isn't just a new logo.
Kim DeVenny Kalo
If you include a B+W image in a client proof, do you include a color version as well? Why or why not?
6 hours ago
ANSWER: It really depends. MOst of the time yes. But sometimes I just give them a color proof without a B/W and sometimes just a B/W. For example if I have something that has a lot of noise in it I might have just made it simply black and white with not a color option.
Jodi Rodriguez Beauchamp
This is awesome, thank you so much! I cant think of any other questions other than where can we read your answers? What a wonderful gift!
3 hours ago
Here on my blog.
Joy Ralph Milligan
Yes ism am curious of the same. Where can we find the answers? Thanks!!
3 hours ago
AMPed Up Photography
What colleges do you prefer or know of for a good photography program?
about a minute ago
I am self taught and haven't looked into any photography schools or programs. I am sorry.
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1 comment:
Lacy Power
September 2, 2012 at 5:51 PM
Thank you so much for your time in answering all these questions, they are so very helpful!
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Thank you so much for your time in answering all these questions, they are so very helpful!