
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kylee and Zac

It's common knowledge that I laugh a lot....well I have never laughed harder on a photo shoot then I did while photographing these two love birds.  They are the most hilarious couple I've ever met in my life.  And I mean that!

They also have the sweetest story in the world. 
Kylee and Zac have been friends since high school and as a matter of fact even went to prom together they told me and they always remained friends.
About a year and a half ago Kylee was diagnosed with a extremely rare muscle disorder/disease. 
All the while Zac stood by her side. 
However at the time, Zac and Kylee weren't serious in a relationship as Kylee was waiting for a guy who was serving a two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 
But Zac waited patiently for Kylee to realize that they were meant for each other.
After Kylee was diagnosed and things were looking devastating Zac helped Kylee write a bucket list and would arrange for him and her to pass off the bucket list together. 

Kylee's missionary got home and needless to say things didn't work out between them.  All the while Zac stood in waiting. 
And now the rest is history.

Zac loves Kylee so much and there isn't much he wouldn't do for her. 

Because of Kylee's disease she tires really fast.  I said to Zac at the shoot "you might have to carry her" and he said "I'll carry her anywhere".

Their love is amazing and their joy is incredible. 
It is an honor to be able to photograph them and a joy to be around them. 


  1. Adorable!! Good job Kandis, your talent amazes me!!

  2. Great pictures. Such a sweet story. It brought tears to my eyes.
